Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Leave me alone!

What did I do to you?
Why do you have to pick on me?
Can't you just leave me alone?
I 'm not failing am I?
I 'm doing quite well academically.

Goddamn it!
Of the twelve people who defaulted why did you HAVE to pick on me?
I m not a scapegoat OK ?
I do not take down notes, but you don't let me stay in class do you?
Its always "Swaroop, take your book and go out"
Why me?

Just because you don't like me, don't ruin my school life!
I bugged you for two days.
Don't make me regret it for two years.
The problem is YOU are the teacher, not me.
Just leave me alone.
I can take care of myself


Lacxmi said...

don't be so cynical da.
It is evident

grammatizator said...

teachers are superbitches. Agreement. Turn up the music in your head dorling.