Friday, August 29, 2008

The "nerds" and the "dudes"

In school there are basically two kinds of people-
The "NERDS" and the "DUDES".
Nerds are people who manage to do academically well and consequentially are alienated.
They are tortured, discriminated against , what not?
And the dudes are people who keep the class alive, get thrown out, get into trouble and so on...

But there is a basic flaw in this philosophy.
There are people like me, classified "nerds" even though we get into far more trouble than the so-called "dudes".
I don't like to be called "nerd" and i don't want to categorized "dude" because i know for a fact that i m not the "cool" kind of person.
I belong somewhere in between.
The line separating nerdiness and dudiness is marred and i lie some where on it.

People from both sides push me away.
I m an outcast of sorts.
Well i don't want to rant again on how horrible being me is.
I m just being me, I don't want to be anyone else.
I m happy being me.

Why can't anyone accept me the way I 'm?
Where do I belong?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The thing with quizzes, luck and me.

I have no luck whatsoever when it comes to quizzes.
Seriously I don't understand how I manage to screw up every quiz.
Is it just me or is someone up there really angry at me?
I hope this gets better.
This is my shortest post so far.