This is the script for a speech I have to deliver (thats a scary word but I can't come up with anything more appropriate) on Tuesday. It counts for some ten marks in my next assignment. :D
My concept of God
Good morning (afternoon) to one and all.
I m here to speak on my concept of god.
Before defining god, we have to define life. To put things like a mushroom, Steve Harmison and a spider in same set of objects is a very awkward thing to do. No definition of life is exact. The line of separation between what is life and what is not is blurred. Why is this so?
When someone writes an ‘A’, we don’t say “It’s kinda ‘A’ ish, but there a hint of K in it”, we are exact. The reason is, we know that the person writing the letter intended to write “Ant” and that’s what it means. So the classification is based on the purpose with which the creator made the object. So in the absence of a god you cannot define what life is, because god, as we perceive is the creator of life.
How did the idea of god come about?
Let us go back to the origin of mankind. Man went around the world killing animals, growing plants, making shelters and so on. He perceived himself as a maker. But then, one fine day he asked himself, “There is only one thing in the world that “makes” things and that’s me. But who made this world in the first place?”
Then he decides that someone must have made it because nothing comes out of the blue. Everything has to be ‘made’. Further, he thinks, “Whoever made this world must have made it for me, because it suits me so well.” He felt that he had to give back to the person who made this world for him in some way, and thus came about, the idea of god.
If someone were to make an inventory of objects in the universe, it would stretch to billions and billions of pages. The universe is such a complex entity that the idea of god seems too simple and even if we were to accept it, where did god come from? .To that question I have no answer.
Man comes up with all sorts of useless ideas. Take money for example. What can we do with money? Can money breed? Can we live in it? Can we cook it and eat it? No! Nothing! We exchange money and all sorts of wonderful things happen, we get food, houses and so on. Why do these things happen? It’s because money is an idea we have subscribed to and if we were to do away with the concept of money then the world’s economy would implode because almost all of the trade in the world is based on money. The idea of money is so simple and it makes life easier for us.
If we were to extend this idea to god, then we could say that the idea of god is there because it makes life easier for us. It’s a simple answer to all the complex things in the universe. That is why the idea of god is so powerful.
God may or may not exist. If someone were to come up with conclusive evidence on the non- existence of god, I don’t think that the intellectuals in the world would let it reach the common man because it would cause chaos and nothing else. On the other hand if someone came up with evidence on the existence of god, then they would let it reach the masses because that would further simplify things.
God may or may not exist. That’s not what is important, what is important is what the idea of god does. So for me, it is not about the existence of god or the kind of god, it’s about how my belief in god makes life less complicated. If I did not believe in the idea of god I would have to come up with an explanation for each and every occurrence and if I didn’t I would be contradicting my atheism. For me god is the one person who put the idea of god into man’s head.
Thank you.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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I thought it was 5..
you are right sruti, it was 5.
Unfortunately i didn't when i wrote the script. I wouldn't have bothered.sigh.
I have to know all this..I have a sister, remember??
u r a disgrace to bhramin hindutva..
Srini, I m voting for the bjp when i grow up.
Hell. I ll give the RSS money.
execllent article da.. you know what.. i personally feel that the concept of god gives us a sense of personal and mental security. Man hates to be insecure and god just gives him the perfect smokescreen to remove that feeling.
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