Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hungry kya?

I ve a mega bug in my tummy.
I know I do, because my tummy wants food very two hours. Atleast the bug in my tummy does. Its scary when it makes squishy squishy noises when you are playing basketball. I can't describe the feeling. There IS a point to this post. I m naming my bug. It's now morgan. Murugappa would ve been nice , but its too long.
My bug is much better than yours!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Who is this god person anyway?

Things I would like to make clear before i write this.
I m NOT an atheist. I m NOT agnostic.

Lets start 55 million years ago.
It's a fine Tuesday morning and the Mr.Cockroach and his family are happily having breakfast.

Now, it's around a million years ago.(The point of the previous paragraph was to create an effect)
Early man is happily walking around on two's. I repeat.TWO's.
He has just eaten a nice big loris at his 'hungry hunters' meeting and is very happy with the way things are going in life.
Life? He thinks. What the hell is that.(Actually he doesnt think about that, but this adds to the effect)
He is the boss of his world and he is the only one who can meddle with nature. So he is very happy.
But then, who made this world?
Why is he the only one who can meddle with nature? Why is he the only sentient thing?
He doesn't have an answer and so he decides that someone made this world. And since he is the boss in the world that the "someone" made for him he wants to thank the "someone" for making HIM the boss. So he makes offerings and stuff.
This goes on for a while and then FINALLY someone ( not to be confused with "someone")
realizes that "someone" isn't much of a name. So they all had a top level bureaucracy meeting and came up with "God". So "God" it is.

Apologies to Douglas Adams and Oolon Colluphid the author of the "trilogy of philosophical blockbusters: Where God Went Wrong , Some More Of God's Greatest Mistakes, and Who Is This God Person Anyway?"
I wish I had more hitchhiker books to read.
Sigh.I miss you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Global warming and climate change

I ve nothing to post about, but I want to.
So here goes. This is an essay I wrote today.

Global warming is the thought foremost on everybody’s mind these days. We hear so much about the possible effects of global warming and about how it could impact our everyday lives. Before we go into the effects of global warming, it is important to understand what the term means. Global warming is the general heating of the biosphere, which includes the troposphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere. This is a very broad definition . It can be better and more specifically defined as the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. Increase in greenhouse effect accounts for most, if not all, of the increase in temperature.
What is the greenhouse effect?
The green house effect is a phenomenon first described by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and first investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. We all know the earth’s atmosphere consists of many gases including carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane and ozone. These gases, carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane and ozone are classified as “greenhouse gases”. They perform a special function. They trap the incident radiations from the sun, thereby heating the earth. This is called the greenhouse effect and this is what keeps the earth warm enough to sustain life.
How has the greenhouse effect increased?
Humans have traditionally burnt hydrocarbons in the form of fossil fuels to satisfy their energy needs. These needs were limited until the 18th century, that is, before the industrial rev. Following the dawn of the industrial era, energy needs increased exponentially. Naturally, we burnt more and more fuel. Since hydrocarbons are basically carbon compounds their combustion leads to the emission of carbon dioxide. The other greenhouse gas associated with fossil fuels is methane which is given out when fossil fuels are extracted. The atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 31% and 149% respectively since the beginning of the industrial revolution, leading to a substantial increase in the greenhouse effect. The other way in which we have increased the amount of greenhouse gases is by deforestation. Forests are natural sinks for carbon dioxide and their destruction has led to an increase in the carbon dioxide levels.
What are the effects of global warming?
Global warming has many disastrous consequences. The most prominent is the rise in sea levels. Rise in sea levels could inundate many coastal areas and completely submerge islands such as the Maldives. Global warming can also cause melting of the polar ice shelves. In addition to this global warming is touted to be cause of the El nino effect. It has also been linked to the increase in the number of cyclones, floods, droughts in many parts of the world. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on climate change) global warming could also affect the ocean currents which in turn could cause massive loss in biodiversity and global economic distress.
Most of us know about the possible effects of global warming yet we don’t do anything about it. We live in the present without sparing a moment to think about the future. What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. Our ancestors warned us against disturbing nature’s balance but we still continue to do so. The human race is galloping towards its doom. We can do nothing but pray to the almighty that the realization dawns upon us. Lets us hope that human ingenuity and innovation triumphs over this impending cataclyscm.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Left out.

This sucks. I feel horrible. I feel left out. You can all have fun, and I ll sulk in the corner and all of you can have the time of your life. I don't understand why you people derive such pleasure from hurting me. Yes, I cry. It's a 'girly' thing to do but I don't care. You can all poke fun at me and call me names. I ll take all that. Leave me out of all the fun. Have a bash.
Make me cry.
I m such a prick.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Of late, I ve been growing out of a lot of things.
Orkut, games, studies, what not.
I ve realised that a lot of people are dumber than you think they are.They aren't as nice as you think they are either. But it's about them, that's is not what is annoying me, driving me insane, it's something else, from within. I know this sounds very philosophical and all that, but it's not.
Life seems so saturated. I don't look forward to each day as I would like to, there is nothing new on offer. It's like, the best is over and what is left is not as good. I ve got another year or so of high school left and I can't comphrehend being out of school. I want to pass out of school soon, but inside within me, some part is not letting go. A strange sense of attachment.

I don't know what I ll be doing 2 years from now. For that matter, I don't know what I ll be doing tomorrow, but atleast I ve some idea. School is not very pleasant, to say the least. But somehow, I want to stay with it.

Things just keep changing for the worse. People keep moving away, but no one comes closer, everything keeps diverging. Nobody finds time for anything, everyone is busy with their life. Somehow, no one seems to pause and enjoy life, they are all in a hurry. It's like a m taking a road not trodden, I feel strangely insecure. Yes, ME.

I wish things would go slower. I need a status update on people.

Why am I writing all this unrelated crap?
I don't know.
I m just plain annoyed. 

Monday, October 13, 2008


Place:-Somewhere in T.Nagar,Chennai.
Time:-5:45 AM, Sunday,12th October 2008.

Its raining hard, the city has not yet woken up and it's almost as if someone put the world in slowmo mode. A middle aged man is lying unconcious by the TASMAC shop and slowly people are gathering around him.A couple of minutes later they manage to wake him up and take him away. The crowd slowly melts away. Even as all this happens a couple of teenagers are making their way through the puddles, their rain soaked shoes making loud noises against the muddy path, their sleepy eyes shutting invoulntarily as they try to escape the hands of slumber. They sit on the parapet and stare at nothing in particular, their minds blank and their eyes still sleepy.
By now the rain has eased out and it's only a drizzle. A few more teenagers trickle in.The watchman gets there late as usual. He takes out a huge bunch of keys from his pocket. It takes him a minute or so to find the right key.Finally he unlocks the creaky wooden door.
More teenagers arrive and a few minutes later the room is almost full. It starts raining hard again. An Alto whirrs past the front gate , and slowly comes to a halt. A few seconds later the back door opens with a loud click and he gets out. He has a few words with the watchman and slowly climbs the stairs. They see him come and they all scramble into the room. He enters the room and sets his bag on the table. Then he turns to the them. Then he begins.
He is da man.
He is Prof.Govindarajan.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Doomsday 2012: How true?

Most of us have heard about the
doomsday 2012 theory

This is my take on it. 

1)Tracey McKenna's time wave zero (Novelty theory):-

From what I understood from reading about it, Mckenna basically made interpretations from the I ching and tried to make some sort of graph. He didn't know what exactly he was doing but he ended up with some sort of complicated fractal. He looked closely at it and and tried to connect the lower points( lower y-coordinates) to the time.He found that every time the graph touched a low point there was an increase in novelty. For example he found that there were low ordinate values when the earth was formed (4 billion years ago), when the dinosaurs became extinxt and the mammals flourised(65 million years ago) ,when the ice age ended and so on. What makes this even more interesting is that this graph touches the x axis on 21 december 2012. That's odd. We can't really be sure about what it means. If time wave zero is not just a coincidence then according to the general trend there must be an increase in novelty not a decrease. But then how can you explain the grapgh touching zero?. Novelty is at a maximum. But if the world was to end novelty should reach a minimum.

2)The Mesoamerican long count calendar:-

The mayans were a very advanced race. They had complicated calendars to keep track of time and they used systems different from  what we use today (The gregorian calendar).The Maya name for a day was k'in. Twenty of these k'ins are known as a winal or uinal. Eighteen winals make one tun. Twenty tuns are known as a k'atun. Twenty k'atuns make a b'ak'tun.They had different calenders to keep count of different magnitudes of time. For time periods longer than 52 years they used the long count calendar.They used a base 20 system different from the decimal system we use today.Thus is equal to 25, and is equal to 40.

According to the Popol Vuh a book compiling details of creation accounts, we are living in the fourth world.The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 13th b'ak'tun.

The previous creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on 20th December 2012  followed by the start of the fourteenth b'ak'tun,, on 21st December 2012.

But then ,if the gods failed in the making of the first three creations ,(I thought gods were infalliable) how can we be sure that the gods will be succesful this time ? And also the Popul Vuh does not say that this world has to be destroyed for the creation of an another world. 

3)The Bible code:-

Basically Bible codes (a.k.a Torah codes) are basically clusters of words or phrases that some people believe are meaningful and intentionally coded in the Bible.

The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). To obtain an ELS from a text, choose a starting point (in principle, any letter) and a skip number, also freely and possibly negative. Then, beginning at the starting point, select letters from the text at equal spacing as given by the skip number. For example, the bold letters in this sentence form an ELS. With a skip of -4, and ignoring the spaces and punctuation, the word SAFEST is spelled out.

Often more than one ELS related to some topic can be displayed simultaneously in an ELS letter array. This is produced by writing out the text in a regular grid, with exactly the same number of letters in each line, then cutting out a rectangle.

Often more than one ELS related to some topic can be displayed simultaneously in an ELS letter array. This is produced by writing out the text in a regular grid, with exactly the same number of letters in each line, then cutting out a rectangle. In the example below, part of the King James version of Genesis(26:5–10) is shown with 33 letters per line. ELSs for BIBLE and CODE are shown. Normally only a smaller rectangle would be displayed, such as the rectangle drawn in the figure. In that case there would be letters missing between adjacent lines in the picture, but it is essential that the number of missing letters be the same for each pair of adjacent lines.

Many predictions have been made from the Bible code, some actually happened some didn't. For example, the 1995 assasination of the then Israeli Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was predicted using the Bible code. 

Now what is interesting is the a certain 2012 prediction made from the Bible code. This is how it reads

comet large - stone-like / stony : object - sped / Tongue-like : Sun - whole earth / earth annihilated - smitten / stricken - smitten Planetary / wanderer : fragmentary : sixty mile - blunderbuss / scatter-gun / Crater : Canada : ultimate : terrifying : appalling : lethal / Modifier - mantle - axis - tilting - tipping : Speeded / Seismic - eradication - It will be crumbled / I will tear to pieces.

Scary, but then predictions made from the Bible code have not always been true.For example it was predicted that there would be nuclear holocaust in 2006, which obviously did not happen.

Maybe the Bible code reveals probabilties and not certainities. So according the the Bible code the earth could be destroyed. Not very nice to hear.

There are various other theories but these three are the ones I found "disturbing".

The man on the street does not know much about the doomsday theory and as for me I really don't want to take a side on this. It may or may not happen. I am assuming that this planet will be very much intact for the short span of my life because even if I assume otherwise there is not much I, the sixteen year old that I am, can do about a comet on collision course with earth.

Maybe i can, maybe I just don't want to.

Some parts of this post have been copied from wikipedia.(The base 20 stuff and the ELS coding stuff) [:D]


Thursday, September 25, 2008

The History of Chemistry

This is how chemistry started.

Bunch of old fellows with big beards and matching robes went about mixing random liquids trying to get gold. For reasons unknown to us (me at least) it didn't work out. Then for a couple of centuries Chemistry took a backseat. 
It was all Newtwerp and Gullylio. Evidently Newtwerp did something to an apple and Gullylio was executed for it.We' ll come to that sad story later.
Then came this court justice style British teacher who said something about atoms. He was actually the patient of a peculiar disease. He went around digging the grave of an alchemist and caught it.
Basically what the disease did to you was make your brain think that your infinitesimally small ...
lets say "object" for now.
So he began to calling himself  "The saviour" .
He kept running around ,fighting-crime-trying-to-save-the-world style.People made fun of him and soon instigated him to the point of insanity.(Not that he was sane, but all the same).He vowed to take revenge on all the people who had mocked him and locked himself up in a room for 7 long days.
On the seventh day, sometime mid afternoon he got an idea.
THAT was the atomic theory.
Doltan's atomic theory.
He was actually not Doltan, Doltan was the name of his neighbours cat. 
He knew that the people would realise it was a prank if he used his name.
So, he used his neighbour's cat's name.
He commited suicide for reasons he was not able to comprehend.

So people started mutilating things and they were all in a hurry to discover new "elements"
when they could not mutilate things further they called them "elements". Soon there were so many elements that people began trying to classify them. Russian pop diva mendelievia was one such person.
What she did was write the name of these "elements" in as random a way as possible on a chessboard. 

All was well for some 40 years. Then a bunch of people who had a common liking for fireworks displays came around and started shooting things at these elements and derived inhuman joy out of watching them explode.

The rest is too boring and complicated for me to explain in detail here.

The people, and the events are completely fictitious and any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Me? Insecure?

I ve people telling me that I sound very insecure in my blog.
Insecure is the last thing I m.
I m eternally depressed, but how does that make me insecure?
I m the height of arrogance.
I ll make you feel small.(Yes, i m that tall)
I don't sound that wierd do I?
I m not emotional-freak-boy-Swaroop.
I m more like Ru-Swaroop-de and thats the way i m.
If you have a problem , buzz off.
But hey...I can be friendly too.
Many people will testify otherwise, but this is my blog and here I m God.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The "nerds" and the "dudes"

In school there are basically two kinds of people-
The "NERDS" and the "DUDES".
Nerds are people who manage to do academically well and consequentially are alienated.
They are tortured, discriminated against , what not?
And the dudes are people who keep the class alive, get thrown out, get into trouble and so on...

But there is a basic flaw in this philosophy.
There are people like me, classified "nerds" even though we get into far more trouble than the so-called "dudes".
I don't like to be called "nerd" and i don't want to categorized "dude" because i know for a fact that i m not the "cool" kind of person.
I belong somewhere in between.
The line separating nerdiness and dudiness is marred and i lie some where on it.

People from both sides push me away.
I m an outcast of sorts.
Well i don't want to rant again on how horrible being me is.
I m just being me, I don't want to be anyone else.
I m happy being me.

Why can't anyone accept me the way I 'm?
Where do I belong?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The thing with quizzes, luck and me.

I have no luck whatsoever when it comes to quizzes.
Seriously I don't understand how I manage to screw up every quiz.
Is it just me or is someone up there really angry at me?
I hope this gets better.
This is my shortest post so far.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Leave me alone!

What did I do to you?
Why do you have to pick on me?
Can't you just leave me alone?
I 'm not failing am I?
I 'm doing quite well academically.

Goddamn it!
Of the twelve people who defaulted why did you HAVE to pick on me?
I m not a scapegoat OK ?
I do not take down notes, but you don't let me stay in class do you?
Its always "Swaroop, take your book and go out"
Why me?

Just because you don't like me, don't ruin my school life!
I bugged you for two days.
Don't make me regret it for two years.
The problem is YOU are the teacher, not me.
Just leave me alone.
I can take care of myself

Sunday, July 27, 2008


To my sister,

16 years have been fun.
It was great having you around.
I ll miss you lots.As I see the bags moving out, and as i hear the goodbyes being said, memories haunt me, memories of those innocent sweet days in Trivandrum ,those rainy days we spent together, those happy times.
I ll always cherish those memories, those happy lovely days.
I shall never forget.
Missing you.

P.S:-I still hate you.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I know! I know!

To a certain first bencher in my class

Firstly, I hate you.
Secondly, You are fat and uncool.
Thirdly, You drive me nuts!

WHY do you have to sit in the first bench and bug the hell out of teachers?
Have you no sense?
You are one annoying pain in the ass. Your jokes are NOT funny.
Nobody likes you.
Why don't you get out of my life?
Get better deodorant. You STINK in all senses of the word.
Did god make you because he wanted a good laugh?
You are a piece of dirty cloth, a dead ant, dried bovine faeces, insect saliva.
You have no intelligence whatsoever. Going to iit classes does not make you intelligent.
You are a freak.Desperate case. Mugging all the answers in the text book does NOT make you intelligent.
Your behaviour disturbs me. Can people be this stupid?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

You suck!

Hello Swaroop .
How are you.
Why are you being such a girl?
Why are you making a fuss of everything?
You are a nerd.

I have heard enough. If all you can say is this, I don't bloody need you. Just leave me alone. If you can't help, just say you can't OK?
This is rubbing salt into the wound.

Maybe I m being a sissy, but i don't care! I don't need you to tell me that.
Why can't anyone understand me huh?
Bad bad me.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Amaze brainfood

Amaze brainfood is like Tomato sauce.You can eat it with anything, from samosas to pizzas.It comes in six flavors ( like mentos)- mango,orange,lemon,grape,watermelon and strawberry.
Amaze brainfood also makes you very dumb, but thats not all it does, it gives you "amaze"ing
ability to mug everything.Mug mug mug.

A certain person i know, takes amaze brainfood everyday.He takes it with thayir sadam(mango flavor) , he takes it with milk(strawberry brainfood shake),he evens takes it with juice(suitable flavor).Yuk!. It makes him "sharp" he says. Brainfood or sharpener?? [:D]

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ennakoo Tamilu Theriyathu

"Ei What did you say?,I dunno tamil?...Enakkoo tamilu nallave theriyum."
Talk about accents!
Some of these people have wonderfully fake accents, lets take for example a certain person i know.
To preserve his/her dignity lets call the person X.
"Unnae veedae ennakoo tamilu nalla theriyum. Shut up ok?"
Add to that X's amazingly fake english accent. I wonder how much time X spent watching BBC on sunday nights.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


If this is what your profile name in orkut says the day after champions league finals, i can understand.But all through the year?.

Its not cool ok?
In fact it is very annoying. Makes me want to puke.
There is not even a slightest hint to your true identity in your profile.Even your photo is one random football moment!
Not that I hate football.
Just that it is very annoying.Express your love for the game somewhere else.
Orkut is a social networking site.Not some random advertising site.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The past 15 days have been hell.
Class 11 has arrived.
Only academics matters.Nothing else matters.
I hate this.
I feel lonely, weak.
I weep.
It hurts when someone you really care for treats you like a distant stranger.
I feel uncared for.
People treat me like dirt. Nobody cares for me.After all I m a "nerd".
I miss my life.
I miss 10 D.
Nobody seems to miss me though.
Add to all this a teacher who seems to take pleasure in kicking me outta class.
It is no big deal but then it still hurts.I wish I could reverse time.
I spend long hours staring at the ceiling, wondering what I did wrong, why do things have to be so f**ked up?
I never been so depressed in life.
Sometimes i cry.
People tell me it is girly.
I just don't care.

Friday, June 6, 2008

World Environment Day

For most of us environment day doesn't mean anything. Most of us know about global warming and other stuff and many pretend to be doing something to help (count me in!) but do we REALLY do anything? Now, THAT is a good question.

Typical teenager-watch Al Gore's documentary, turn green for the next two days and then get bleached.

Plant trees, use CFL's, recycle paper, turn of unnecessary(god bless Spell check!) lights blah blah blah...
Yeah right, like I care!

Artic ice cap is melting, lands will get submerged and people will die.

Unless something catastrophic happens people are not going to wake up to the reality.
It's already happening, millions of people die every year as a consequence of global warming, but then, how am I bothered when some losers is jamaica die?

Until every one of us is affected in some way, we won't take action.But then it may be too late.

Wake up, save the earth, save yourself.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

IPL over?

6 weeks of "cricketainment" and then all of a sudden its over, the carnival is over.
My mum can watch her stupid serials without having to hassle for the remote(its not like it works though but having the remote is a moral victory in itself), as for me i m having withdrawal symptoms!. I have taken to watching old tamil movies they put in ktv at around 10 o' clock.But then IPL was so much more fun.I guess cricket will never be the same again.Test cricket maybe awesome for those bloody "purists" but for me T20 is infinitely better. Who wants to watch Rahul Dravid play all day and score 60 runs?.
But did IPL live upto the hype? I think yes.Before it started i thought it was one miserable efoort by Lalit Modi to emulate EPL, i didn't think it would be so much fun.As far as Sony is concerned IPL was a huge success story, nothing ever had such high TRP ratings barring KBC.IPL was huge and left an impact for sure. Love it or hate it, you certainly can't ignore it!